#memorablemomentsineducation #128:

Summertime for a teacher represents a unique moment in the school year. I think of it as a hibernation period where I usually hunker down for a bit of time, eat too much, sleep more than normal, and restore my energy for the next school year. Restoring my energy often takes the form of spending time with my family, getting out of town, reading lots of books, and even taking some classes or planning lessons.

For so many reasons, this Pandemic Summer looks different. I’m not hibernating. No, I’ve been forced out into the wild to forage for scraps of school funding, to find ways to keep my cubs and community safe from a virus, and to give voice to my power as a leader in my sleuth (yes, that’s really the word for a group of bears…who knew?).

This particular moment, really a jumble of thoughts about this weird moment, has been inspired by Vampire Weekend’s line in “Harmony Hall” that keeps running through my head:

I don’t wanna live like this, but I don’t wanna die….

I don’t wanna finish my continuing education classes, but I don’t wanna lose my teaching license or the couple hundred bucks I spent to take them.

I don’t wanna see my kids miss out on their 9th and 12th summers, but I don’t know what you do with kids whose medically-fragile, 78-year-old grandpa lives downstairs.

I also don’t wanna miss my kids’ 9th and 12th summers, but I don’t wanna step back from a duty I just started.

I don’t wanna spend a beautiful summer morning reading emails, but I don’t wanna miss the information that might help us develop a better plan for schools this fall, or ignore the needs of my colleagues in the middle of a stressful time, or not respond to a question for which I surprisingly DO have an answer.

I don’t wanna skip my weekly yoga sessions, but I don’t wanna take a breath in of COVID-19.

I don’t wanna plan for 3-hour classes, but I don’t wanna return to school and suffer through 3-hour blocks without being ready.

I don’t wanna Zoom, but I don’t wanna lose the chance to see people’s faces.

I don’t wanna answer that phone call, but I don’t wanna miss the story she’ll tell or the laughs we’ll have.

I don’t wanna move all my class resources to an online platform, but I don’t wanna scramble to do it in the fall.

I don’t wanna teach online, but I don’t wanna stress out over air filters, mask-wearing, social-distancing, over-sanitizing, and temperature-checking.

I don’t wanna miss all the great summer reads, but I don’t wanna think somedays.

I don’t wanna ignore the social awakening happening around me, but I don’t wanna drown out someone else’s voice that needs to be heard more than mine.

I don’t wanna get up three days a week at 4:30 am, but I don’t wanna see my dad struggle to drive himself.

I don’t wanna cook dinner every night, but I don’t wanna spend that money.

I don’t wanna understand why schools have no money, but I don’t wanna look stupid when someone asks me about it.

I don’t wanna rebuild my curriculum, but I can’t NOT meet the changing needs of my students.

I don’t wanna stare at the ugly patio chairs in my backyard anymore, but I don’t wanna find the paint and tape to fix them.

I don’t wanna go begging voters for more funding, but I don’t wanna watch my friends and colleagues or my kids and students suffer for lack of funding.

I don’t wanna live this, but I don’t wanna die….

One Reply to “#memorablemomentsineducation #128:”

  1. I don’t wanna keep fighting, pestering, imploring the DCSD District Leadership to grant us a CBA, but I don’t want to see my fellow colleagues so dismissed, so powerless, so ignored and so discouraged .

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